The Institute of Industrial Ecology performs work on the inspection of energy facilities, the development of methods for improving their efficiency, reducing fuel consumption, and, as a consequence, reducing greenhouse gas emissions (primarily carbon dioxide) into the atmosphere. Ukraine has signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol, according to which industrialized countries are required to reduce their overall emissions of greenhouse gases in 2008-2012. Relative shares of the decrease are different for different countries, while Ukraine has no obligations to reduce emissions in the country. This makes it possible for Ukraine’s enterprises or interested countries to transfer quotas to carbon dioxide emissions that have been created as a result of a real reduction in fuel costs in their enterprise, through a set-off in joint implementation projects or other mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol.
At present, the estimated price of CO2 emissions reduction on the world market is 5-7 USD per 1 ton, and the sales volume within a single project is usually 30 – 100 thousand T / year, which is calculated on the above-mentioned 5-year The period corresponds to $ 1-3 million, or UAH 5-15 million of non-repayable non-lending funds invested in project implementation.
The Institute prepares pre-design materials for the reconstruction or replacement of each type of equipment, taking into account their cost, payback periods and the possibility of reducing carbon dioxide emissions as a result of the measure. After summing up the resulting effect from all proposed measures and submitting proposals for a JI project, these materials may be transferred to the company or state concerned, as well as posted on the relevant website on the Internet. To date, a number of organizations and states, in particular, the Netherlands, Austria, Germany, France, etc., are already showing real interest and conducting tenders for relevant project proposals. With the interest of the organization – the buyer of emission reductions, the Institute will participate in the preparation of its own Project, which will be offered to this organization or potential investor.