The Institute of Industrial Ecology, founded in 1992, is an independent professional organization.
Main directions of activity of the Institute:
development and implementation of environmental and energy saving equipment;
development and introduction of technologies and equipment for combustion of fuels;
carrying out of ecological researches and expert assessments, as well as energy and environmental inspection of industrial enterprises with the development of appropriate recommendations;
Development of GHG emission reduction projects within the framework of the Kyoto Protocol mechanisms to the UNFCCC (Joint Implementation projects and projects under the Scheme of targeted environmental (green) investments).
The Institute of Industrial Ecology on the basis of the energy-ecological survey of industrial enterprises is being developed, and for each individual case, depending on the possibilities and expediency of investments, together with the customer-enterprise individually selected a set of measures, technologies and equipment that contribute to the reduction of specific energy consumption and environmental protection. Possible equipment, turnkey delivery and adjustment of installed equipment.
Under market conditions, the competitiveness of any manufactured goods involves lower or comparative costs and, accordingly, energy costs per unit of output. Unfortunately, at present, the specific energy costs at the enterprises of Ukraine and others. CIS countries significantly, sometimes several times, exceed the average European ones. It is obvious that the reduction of anthropogenic loading on the environment by such production can not be ensured not only for economic reasons, but also due to the burning of more fuel and, consequently, the increase of the toxic load on the atmosphere. The main way of moving towards competitive products is to reduce specific fuel consumption, which not only leads to a reduction in the cost of production, but also contributes to the protection of the environment.
Using the proposed Institute of Industrial Ecology of energy-saving technologies and equipment gives a specific ecological, energy and economic effect.
For more than 12 years, the Institute of Industrial Ecology has been engaged in global climate change and greenhouse gas emission reductions in the atmosphere, and has been preparing joint implementation projects for the reconstruction of municipal heat supply systems in the cities and regions of Ukraine.
Every year, the Institute holds an international conference on environmental energy issues.